Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (2025)

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (1)

When you ask most kids what their favorite Christmas tradition is, they'll reply with the usual...

opening presents

decorating the tree

attending parties

making holiday crafts

But not my daughter. When asked, her answer is always the same...eating homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.

Since I only make them a few times each year, these ooey-gooey treats are like a sweet memory on a plate for her. As she eats them, she slips into a gentle sugar coma and remembers Christmases past. We munch, we reminisce, we linger long at the table savoring the meal and each other.

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If asked, she'd tell you that these are the best cinnamon rolls ever! And I'd have to agree. (But maybe with a little less punctuation because I'm 37 and with age comes a measure of self-control...or so I've been told.)

They are the best. But not just because they taste like Cinnabon goodness, but also because you can make them the day before in the bread machine, serve half of them for breakfast the following morning, and freeze the rest for another day!!!!!!

Make it once and serve it twice. That right there is kitchen gold!

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (2)

To make these Cinnabon knock-offs...

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (3)

Add the following ingredients into your bread machine in this order: 1 cup milk, 1/4 cup hot-to-the-touch water (not boiling), 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 stick of softened butter, 2 beaten eggs, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 cup sugar.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (4)

Next, add 5 cups of flour creating a mound. Use your finger to create a well in the center of the flour. Pour 3 teaspoons of active dry yeast into this well.

Follow the directions of your bread machine for the "dough" setting.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (5)

When the bread machine has completed the dough cycle, turn the finished dough out onto a floured surface. It should be slightly tacky and elastic, but not sticky.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (6)

Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes. Form into a large ball and set in a greased bowl. Cover the bowl lightly with a cloth and let sit until the dough has doubled in size.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (7)

While the dough is rising, prepare your cinnamon filling. Soften 1 stick of butter and set aside. In a small bowl, combine 1 cup packed brown sugar and 4 tablespoons cinnamon. Sift together with a fork until completely combined.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (8)

When dough has doubled, turn it out onto a floured surface and roll it into a large rectangle (approximately 14 x 24 inches). Sprinkle flour onto your rolling pin as needed to prevent sticking. Be sure not to over flour the dough.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (9)

Coat the rolled dough surface with softened butter.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (10)

Sprinkle cinnamon-sugar mixture over the butter. It's gonna seem like you're adding a loooooootof sugar. If it looks excessive, it's probably just perfect!

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (11)

Starting at one of the short ends of the rectangle, begin to roll the dough into a large log.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (12)

Use a serrated bread knife or unflavored dental floss to slice the rolled log into 1 inch-wide disks.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (13)

Place disks onto one large, greased jelly roll pan or two greased 9x13 casserole dishes.

At this point, you can cover the rolls for 45 minutes to let them rise and then bake them immediately, OR cover them with plastic wrap and store overnight in the refrigerator to be baked in the morning, OR cover them in heavy foil to be placed in the freezer for a later date. I usually store one casserole dish's worth in the fridge for the following morning and freeze the other one for up to three months.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. If baking refrigerated rolls, remove the plastic wrap cover and set them out on the counter 30-40 minutes prior to baking in order that they may rise completely. If baking frozen rolls, keep the foil on and set them out on the counter the night before to allow them to defrost and rise overnight.

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (14)

While the rolls bake, mix together 4 ounces of softened cream cheese, 1 stick of softened butter, 2 cups powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 1/8 teaspoon of lemon extract (optional). Since I only bake one casserole dish's worth of rolls at a time, I cut all of these ingredients in half and make the frosting fresh when I make the other casserole's worth of rolls at a later date.

When the rolls are done, remove them from the oven and allow them to cool slightly for a few minutes. Then, top with dollops of cream cheese frosting. Spread the frosting smoothly onto each roll. Serve warm and enjoy!

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (15)


1 c. milk

1/4 c. hot-to-the-touch water (not boiling)

1 t. vanilla extract

1 stick of softened butter

2 beaten eggs

1/2 t. salt

1/2 c. sugar

5 c. white flour

3 t. yeast

Cinnamon Filling

1 stick of softened butter

1 c. packed brown sugar

4 T. cinnamon

Cream Cheese Frosting

4 oz. softened cream cheese

1 stick of softened butter

2 c. powdered sugar

1 t. of vanilla extract

1/8 t. of lemon extract (optional)

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls

Add the first 7 ingredients into the bread machine in the order that they are listed. Next, add the flour on top creating a mound of flour. Use your finger to create a well in the center of the flour. Pour the yeast into the well.

Follow the directions of your bread machine for the "dough" setting.

When the dough setting is complete, the dough should be slightly tacky and elastic, but not sticky. Turn the finished dough out onto a floured surface. Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes. Form into a large ball and set into a greased bowl. Cover the bowl lightly with a cloth and let sit until the dough has doubled in size.

While the dough is rising, prepare the cinnamon filling. Soften the butter and set aside. In a small bowl, combine the sugar and cinnamon. Sift together with a fork until it's completely combined.

When the dough has doubled, turn it out on a floured surface and roll it into a large rectangle (approximately 14 x 24 inches). Sprinkle flour onto your rolling pin as needed to prevent sticking. Be sure not to over flour the dough. Coat the entire dough surface with softened butter. Sprinkle cinnamon-sugar mixture over the butter.

Starting at one of the short ends of the rectangle, begin to roll the dough into a large log. Use a serrated bread knife or unflavored dental floss to slice the rolled log into 1 inch-wide disks.

Place disks onto one large, greased jelly roll pan or two greased 9x13 casserole dishes.

At this point, you can cover the rolls for 45 minutes to let them rise and then bake them immediately, OR cover them with plastic wrap and store overnight in the refrigerator to be baked in the morning, OR cover them in heavy foil to be placed in the freezer for a later date.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. If baking refrigerated rolls, remove the plastic wrap cover and set them out on the counter 30-40 minutes prior to baking in order that they may rise completely. If baking frozen rolls, keep the foil on and set them out on the counter the night before to allow them to defrost and rise overnight.

Mix all of the frosting ingredients. When rolls are done, remove them from the oven and allow them to cool slightly for a few minutes. Then, top with dollops of cream cheese frosting. Spread the frosting smoothly onto each roll. Serve warm and enjoy!

Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Roll Recipe (2025)


Why are my cinnamon rolls not light and fluffy? ›

There are a lot of variables that go into the consistency of dough, even down to the weather and humidity. But the most common reason cinnamon rolls don't turn out fluffy is because the dough didn't have enough time to rise.

What's the best flour to use for cinnamon rolls? ›

Bread flour is hands down the best option when making cinnamon rolls. Any good cinnamon rolls recipe is going to usually call for bread flour instead of other kinds of flour. This is because bread flour is high in protein, usually containing 11% to 13% more protein than other kinds of flour.

Why pour milk on cinnamon rolls before baking? ›

Julie Clark, the blogger behind the website, notes that after years of research, she discovered that the key to getting perfectly gooey rolls is to “pour heavy cream over the cinnamon buns before baking. THIS is the secret ingredient and what makes the rolls rich and gooey.”

What is the secret ingredient in Cinnabon? ›

Cinnabon's Secret Ingredient

This special Indonesian cinnamon, called Makara, is trademarked by Cinnabon. And because of that trademark, you won't find this product in your local grocery store spice aisle.

Why are my homemade cinnamon rolls dense? ›

Let the dough have its full rise time: Yeasted dough requires some extra time and planning but it's so worth it for homemade cinnamon rolls. Make sure you give the dough the full rise time for the ultimate soft and fluffy dough. If you try to rush the process you can end up with sad, dense rolls.

What brand of yeast is best for cinnamon rolls? ›

SAF Red is your best choice for all-around baking, from sandwich loaves to crusty no-knead bread to freeze-and-bake dinner rolls. SAF Gold is formulated for one specific type of dough: sweet dough.

What happens if you add too much flour to cinnamon rolls? ›

Too much flour in your dough will give you dry, dense rolls. You can always add a bit more flour after it has kneaded if it's too sticky to work with. Letting your dough double rise will improve its texture and volume. It should rise until double in size.

Why are my homemade cinnamon rolls dry? ›

Adding too much flour will make your rolls very dry. Once you have added the appropriate amount of flour, turn your mixer to a low speed and let the machine do all the kneading for you. 15 minutes sounds like a long time, but it will add to the fluffiness of your rolls.

Is whipping cream the same as heavy cream? ›

The main difference between the two is their fat content. Heavy cream has slightly more fat than whipping cream. Otherwise, they are nutritionally very similar. You can use them interchangeably in recipes without affecting the taste, although they may lead to different consistencies.

Can I use evaporated milk instead of heavy cream? ›

Evaporated milk can be used as a substitute in recipes in which heavy cream is used as a liquid ingredient, such as in baked goods, but it doesn't whip well. Substitute the heavy cream in your recipes with an equal amount of evaporated milk.

Is half-and-half the same as heavy cream? ›

According to the FDA, half-and-half contains between 10.5 percent to 18 percent milk fat, while heavy cream contains between 36 percent and 40 percent milk fat. Because heavy cream contains more fat, it is thicker and has a richer taste and a creamier mouthfeel than half-and-half.

What kind of pan is best for cinnamon rolls? ›

I recommend baking the cinnamon rolls in these foil half-size aluminum pans (9x13) to easily store them in your freezer. Avoid overbaking. Top the baked cinnamon rolls with the matching foil lid. (You can also bake the cinnamon rolls in a 9x13x2 cake pan and wrap the top tightly in heavy-duty foil.)

Should cinnamon rolls be room temperature before baking? ›

Step Four: take the cinnamon rolls out in time to come to room temperature and fully rise before baking. Usually that means the rolls need to have time to double in size from the original shape (for most recipes) before they go in the oven.

Can I use milk instead of heavy cream? ›

Similarly to half-and-half, milk makes a good heavy cream substitute when it's combined with melted butter. Combine 3/4 cup milk and 1/4 cup melted butter for every cup of heavy cream. This mixture is not suitable for whipping. Best for: cooking and baking.

Why aren t my rolls light and fluffy? ›

Too much flour, or not the right kind, could be to blame. Dough made only from flour with a high or even average amount of protein (like bread flour or all-purpose flour) can become tough from overmixing. Protein gives bread structure in the form of gluten—the more you mix and move the dough, the more gluten you get.

Why are my rolls dense and not fluffy? ›

There may be several reasons for a dense, cake like texture in bread. It may indicate the kneading wasn't enough for the gluten to develop properly, or the dough was proved for too short a time or the dough may have been too dry. It is also worth checking the flour you used.

What does it mean if my cinnamon roll dough doesn't rise? ›

Things You Should Know

Add more yeast, blend in the starter, or knead in more flour to help initiate rising. Dough that has expired yeast, too much salt, all-purpose or cake flour, or antifungal spices like cinnamon might have trouble rising.


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.