In this guide, I’ll help you beat Cindy’s mission in the game “Kindergarten”!
Step 1.
Before going to school, bring $3,10 or more with you.
Step 2.
After going to school, Buggs will tell you “Hmmmm…I Smell money…*sniff*…Yeah, someone is definitely carrying more than $3,00 around here. Hey kid, you carrying any cash?”
Say “Yes”.
Buggs will then say “Excellent. Give me half or I’ll split your empty skull with my foot.”
Say “Fine. Here. (-$1,55 or more, depends on how much money you took with you)”
He will then say ”Good boy. Now don’t go telling the teacher about this, or you might turn up missing like that Billy kid.”
Say “Right”.
Step 3.
Go talk to the teacher, Ms. Applegate and say “Buggs stole my money”.
She will then say “He did? Interesting…I’ll make you a deal. Buggs is a real trouble maker. He’s violent and a danger to others. If you go over there and challenge him, I’ll make it worth your while.”
Say “What’s in it for me?”
She will say “I’ll give you a gold star! We all love gold stars, don’t we?”
Say “Ummm…okay.
She will then say “Oh how I love a good kiddie fight! Just go over and push him a little bit. When he attacks back, just yell for me and I’ll put a stop to it.
Say “Okay.”
Step 4.
Go over to Buggs.
He will say “What do you want dweeb? I’m not giving you your money back. Get out of here before i squish you.”
Say “Squishing me won’t make your dad come back.”
He will say “My dad will come back! He just went to the store to get some cigarettes is all! Get out of here, or I’ll beat you so hard it’ll make him proud!”
Say “He’ll never be proud of you.”
He will say “Yes he will! If you don’t leave right now, I’ll kill you!”
Say “Dying wouldn’t be so bad.”
He will say “Fine! You asked for it! This is for you, Dad!”
Click on “Call for teacher.”
The teacher will come over and stop the fight. She will say “Buggs! How dare you attack another student unprovoked again! That’s the last straw. I’m sending you to the principal’s office so he can finally expel you!”
Buggs will say “No! Please! Don’t! He started it! He’s a liar! He said my dad was never coming back!”
The teacher will then say “Well he’s right… and after this little incident neither are you. Now go to the principal’s office or I’ll have the janitor carry you there!”
Buggs will say “But…but…”
The teacher will say “GO!”
Buggs will then say “Stupid rat… we coulda been friends if you didn’t rat me out.”
The teacher will say “Oh happy day! I’m finally rid of that little degenerate! Here’s your gold star as promised”
Say “Thanks.”
She will say “Hmmmm…Now you’ve got me thinking though. Jerome thinks he’s so high and mighty because he’s the principal’s kid. Why don’t we arrange a trip for him to visit daddy?”
Say “No thanks.”
She will then say “Oh. That’s unexpected, but I can respect that. Enjoy the rest of your day.”
Say “Will do.”
Step 5.
Go to Cindy (the blonde girl).
She will say “Hey there cutie. I’m Cindy. Wanna be my boyfriend?”
Say “Sure”.
She will say “Heh…That’s what I like to hear and we’ll totally be the cutest couple in school, but first, you have to do something for me.”
Say “Like what?”
She will say “You see that girl over there? That’s Lily. She is by far the ugliest, nastiest girl you will ever meet. I want you to take this gum and stick it in her hair during morning time. Got it?”
Say “Yeah.”
She will say “Oh yay! This is gonna be so great. She’ll finally get what she deserves, just like her brother did for dumping me. Come find me for morning time after you’ve done it.”
Say “Okay”
Use your last apple by pressing “Enter”.
Step 6.
When you are inside the classroom, the teacher will say “Good morning children. It’s time for you to pick your buddies for morning time, or you can be sad, pathetic and alone. As long as you’re the best ‘you’ you can be!”
Click on “(Go find a partner.)”
Go to Lilly (the girl in blue with black hair)
She will say “Oh. I don’t really do the whole morning buddy thing anymore. My brother BIlly was normally my buddy, but he’s missing.”
Click on “(Put gum in Lily’s hair.)”
She will say “Did you just…oh. You did. You put gum in my hair. That’s…so mean. Cindy put you up to this, didn’t she? Well. I don’t even care. Leave me alone.”
Click on “(Walk away.)”
Step 7.
Talk to Cindy.
She will say “Did you do it? Oh my gosh, you totally did. Wow! What happened? What did she say? Did she cry? I bet she cried.”
Say “She cried.”
She will say “Yes! I’m so happy! Now you can be my morning buddy which also makes you my boyfriend! As my boyfriend you get the honor of playing house with me!”
Say “Okay then.”
She will say “Ummm…but before we do that, you need to get cleaned up. No way any boyfriend of mine is going to bleed all over me. Go to the bathroom and wash up. I’ll be over by the doll house.”
Say “Okay then.”
Step 8.
Go to the door.
The teacher will say “Oh no no no! You can’t just leave class without a pass!”
Say “Can I use the bathroom?”
She will say “I don’t know. Caaaaaaaaaaaaan you?”
Say “…May I use the bathroom?”
She will say “Of course, now that you’ve asked correctly. Here’s the bathroom pass.”
Say “Gee thanks.”
She will say “Just be back soon”
Say “Sure.”
Walk up to the hall monitor.
He will say ”Not so fast there little dude. I’m gonna need to see your hall pass before I can let you by.”
Say “Here’s my pass.”
He will say “Okay. I’ll let you pass, but I can’t let you go any further than the bathroom.”
Say “That’s fair.”
Get in the bathroom.
Go up to the sink.
Click “(Wash off blood.)”
Exit the bathroom.
Go back to class.
The teacher will say “Oh, you’re back! I’ll take that bathroom pass back now. Go back to your morning time.”
Say “Okay.”
Go up to Cindy.
She will say “Welcome home husband! I hope work wasn’t too hard, cause you’re going to be making dinner tonight.”
Say “Yes dear.”
She will say “…And after that I need you to… *sniff* *sniff*…Have you been drinking again?”
Say “No honey, I’m just tired.”
She will say “Oh sure you are. You’re always soooo tired. I’m sure you won’t mind blowing into this then?”
Say “Is that a breathalyzer?”
She will say “You bet it is! And if you blow as much as a 0.01, I’m calling your sponsor!”
Say “I’ll take the test.”
She will say “Good. Blow… 0.32!? You’re trashed right now! How could you do this to me?! You said you would get sober! How can you be a father when you can’t even take care of yourself?!”
Say “Be a father?”
She will say “I…well…while you were in prison…It…it’s probably not yours. I’m sorry. I guess I have my own set of problems to deal with.”
Say “I wan’t a divorce.”
She will say “I…You’re right. This isn’t working out. What do we do now?
Say “Go spend the night with your mother.”
She will say “Okay…I guess that’s fair. I’ll call you tomorrow. I hope we can sort this out amicably.”
Say “Me too.”
She will say “…Wow! That was the most fun I’ve had playing house in a while. You’re going to make a splending boyfriend. I want you to have lunch with me.”
Say “Okay.”
She will say “Great! I’ll see you then.”
Say “Sure.”
Step 9.
Go to lunch.
Talk to Cindy.
She will say “Oh hey boyfriend! I saved you a spot. Go get something to eat and come sit with me.”
Say “Okay.”
Go to the lunch lady.
She will say “How you doing there, sonny? Want some tasty nutritious slop for lunch?
Say “Yes please.”
She will say “There ya go buddy boy, and don’t be shy about coming back for seconds. Plenty of slop to go around.”
Say “Thanks.”
Go to Monty(the kid with the glasses).
He will say “I figured you’d be seeing me around now. Slop is no good, and I dont think anyone is brave enough to try a ”biscut” from the janitor. Dumb old man can’t even spell it right.”
Say “I want to buy something.”
He will say “Here’s what’s for sale.”
Click on “Salad.”
He will say “Lookin’ to cut some fat from your diet? Yeah, I wouldn’t want to look like Buggs either. This is a totally healthy and vegan choice. It goes for $0.75.”
Say “Deal. (-$0.75)”
He will say “Pleasure doing business with ya.”
Say “I don’t need anything else.”
Talk to Cindy.
She will say “Oh hey boyfriend! I Saved you a spot. Go get something to eat and come sit with me.”
Say “I have slop. (Eat slop.)
She will say “Oh good. I was just thinking about–oh darn it. My stupid mother packed me something that’s not vegan. She knows I’m all vegan right now. God that woman is insufferable.”
Say “Oh.”
She will say “Hey sweetie? Would you be a darling and go get me something vegan?”
Say “Something vegan?”
She will say “Yeah. You know…ummmm…like…I don’t know exactly what it means, but I know it’s good. So just ask around and see if you can find something vegan. Oh and the slop isn’t vegan.”
Say “Here’s a salad.”
She will say “Ugh…a salad? Oh…now that I think about it, I guess that would be vegan, huh? Gross. Why do I do this to myself?”
Say “I don’t know.”
She will say “You’re being so good to me today. You’re probably the most well-trained boy I’ve ever met. I should use you for something at recess. Hmmmmm…I have an idea.”
Say “What?”
She will say “I’m really liking the way Lily wears that gum, but maybe we could put something else in there.”
Say “What do you mean?”
She will say “Jerome was telling me how the janitor has all sorts of gross stuff in his closet. I’m thinking we find something to give to Lily.”
Say “Doesn’t he keep it locked?”
She will say “Oh you don’t have to worry about that. Look at what I have!”
Say “You have the key?”
She will say “Yup! A girl has her ways. I’m gonna head over and pay off the lunch lady so you can get going on down to that nasty closet.”
Say “What about the hall monitor?”
She will say “Oh that silly boy. He’ll be in the bathroom having a cigarette. Just don’t go in there and you’ll be fine.”
Say “Okay.”
She will say “Lunch is almost over, so listen for the bell while you’re in there. The janitor will come back shortly after it rings so get out as soon as possible.”
Say “Let’s do this.”
She will go pay off the lunch lady.
When she comes back she will say “You’re good to go! Hurry back!
Say “Okay.”
Get out of the cafeteria.
Unlock and open the janitor’s closet. (the door next to the vent)
Take the bucket of blood.
Get out of the janitor’s closet and enter the cafeteria.
The lunch lady will say “Oh! Did the slop give you the runs? Sorry ’bout that! Hope it worked itself out. All the other kids are out at recess now. Go run along.”
Say “Okay.”
Talk to Cindy.
She will say “Well? What did you get?”
Say “This bucket filled with blood.”
She will say “Oh. My. God. It’s perfect. That is so disgusting! Whose blood is it? Nevermind. I don’t wan’t to know.
Say “Me neither.”
She will say “You’re the best. Climb up there and I’ll call her over.”
Say “I’m gonna get in position.”
After you say that, your character will climb up by itself.
She will call Lily over.
After they are done talking, pour the blood on Lily.
Lily will say “AAAAHHHHH!! What did you just–Oh… you and your awful boyfriend set me up again. I’m so done with this. You’vemade me miserable for so long.”
Cindy will say “Awww c’mon. I think it’s an improvement!”
Lily will say “You’re just so mean. I can’t take it anymore.”
Then she will say “Goodbye cruel world!”
Then Lily jumps to her death in Nugget’s giant hole.
Cindy will say “Wow! That hole is deep! Do you think she died? Nevermind. I don’t care. You should come down from there.”
After she says that, your character will automatically come down.
She will then say “THat was so great. You’ve made me so happy today. I want you to take this flower. It’s pretty like me. This way you’ll always have a little piece of me with you.”
Click on “(Take Cindy’s flower.)”
She will then say “Now you’ll have the best thing ever for show and tell! Gosh, I am so great.”
Say “You sure are.”
The teacher will say “Oh dear! Has anyone seen Lily? I don’t see her anywhere!”
Nugget will say “Nugget saw where the girl went! Nugget knows!”
Cindy will say “Shut up Nugget! You didn’t see anything.”
The teacher will then say “Nugget,I swear to whatever god your messed up family believes in, if Lily fell down that hole you dug I’m pushing you in after her!”
Nugget will then say “Nugget will not give teacher the satisfaction. Teacher will never take Nugget alive!”
After he says that, he will jump to his death into his own hole.
After he does that, the teacher will say “Wow that hole is deep. I can’t even see the bottom! We’re gonna have to get the janitor out here with the ladder to get them out. OH MR.JANITOOOOOR!”
Then the janitor is going to come and say “I’m comin.’ I’m comin.’ What seems to be the problem there Ms. Jigglytits.”
Then the teacher will say “It’s Applegate…and I have two of my students suck at the bottom of this hole!”
Then he will say “You want me to put the rest of ’em in the hole?”
She will say “No! I want you to get the ones that are IN the hole, OUT of the hole. Can you do that?”
He will then say “Oh…well that’s less fun, but I guess I can do that. It might take awhile though. Might be best if you brought the ones that arent in the hole back inside so I don’t get confused.”
Then she’ll say “Very well. Okay children we’re gonna cut recess a little short today! Let’s head inside for show and tell.”
Last step.
In order to complete Cindy’s mission, you have to show the flower she gave you at show and tell. I’m not going to show you how to do that, since it’s pretty simple.
Thanks for reading this guide on how to beat Cindy’s mission! I hope it helped you! 😀