Obgyn Near Me That Accepts Tenncare (2025)

1. Providers - TN.gov

  • Whether you are an existing TennCare provider or are interested in becoming a provider with us, our provider resources help you find information, trainings, and ...

  • TennCare services are offered through managed care entities. Medical, behavioral and long-term care services are covered by "at risk" Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) in each region of the state, and each participating MCO creates their own contracts with providers, maintains their own fee schedules, processes their own claims, and has their own in-network specialists and providers.

2. OB/GYNs in Nashville, TN | Centennial Women's Group

  • Our women's specialists in Middle Tennessee offer medical services such as gynecological exams, birth control, maternity care and menopause management.

3. Search for Medicaid Providers in Tennessee - Wellpoint

  • Use our search tool to find a Tennessee plan provider close to home. You can search by name, specialty, or location.

4. Obstetricians/Gynecologists Near Me in Nashville, TN - Ascension Health

  • Obstetricians/Gynecologists Near Me in Nashville, TN ; Reagan M. Saig, MD · 4.9 (55) ; Suzanne B Bryant, MD · 5 (69) ; Amanda S Donaldson, WHNP-BC · 4.9 (150).

  • Obstetricians/Gynecologists in Nashville, Tennessee. We can help connect you with the healthcare services you need. At Ascension, your health is our focus

5. Tennessee UnitedHealthcare Community Plan Find a provider or ...

6. Obgyn Doctors Under Tenncare in Nashville, TN with Reviews

  • Obgyn doctors under tenncare in Nashville, TN · 1.Woods Cain Swope Obgyn · 2.UT OBGYN Center - Ascension Medical Group Saint Thomas · 3.UT ...

  • Find 3000 listings related to Obgyn Doctors Under Tenncare in Nashville on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Obgyn Doctors Under Tenncare locations in Nashville, TN.

7. Gynecology Services | Vanderbilt Health Nashville, TN

  • Our board certified OB/GYNs, women's health nurse practitioners and certified nurse midwives not only provide expert care, but they also offer options for how ...

  • The Vanderbilt Gynecology Services team provides comprehensive care to women at all stages of life — from puberty to after menopause. So, no matter which stage you might be in, you’ll find the care you need for where you are and where you’ll eventually be. Our board certified OB/GYNs, women’s health nurse practitioners and certified nurse midwives not only provide expert care, but they also offer options for how that care is delivered. We recognize and celebrate that every stage of a woman’s life is different — and so is every woman.

8. OB/GYN Care For Women By Women | All Women's Care PLLC - Maryville

  • Your insurance status should never be an obstacle to getting the right care, so we accept almost all plans, including TennCare.

  • Wherever you are on your journey, our providers have the experience & empathy to give you great care. We take most insurance & offer 1 hour appointments.

9. Internal Medicine and OB/GYN Clinics |The University of Tennessee ...

  • ... OB/GYN: 865-305-8261. You can also call the Referral Line at UT's Health Care Coordination at 865-305-6970. Our centers accepts the following health insurances.

  • The University of Tennessee, Graduate School of Medicine is located in Knoxville at the University of Tennessee Medical Center. The Graduate School of Medicine is part of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and offers residency programs, fellowships, and opportunities for medical students.

10. Summit Medical Group | Knoxville, East & Middle Tennessee

  • Summit Medical Group one of Tennessee's largest primary care organization with more than 500 providers at more than 80 practice locations in 22 counties.

11. OB/GYN - Premier Medical Group

  • Premier Medical Group in Clarksville TN is a multi speciality practice with doctors to serve you in pediatrics, OB/GYN, a walk-in clinic & more!

  • The OB/GYN care team at Premier Medical Group is committed to understanding the unique needs of women who entrust their care to us.

12. Find Medicaid Obstetricians / Gynecologists (OBGYNs) in ...

  • Doctor.com can help you find a Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OBGYN) who accepts Medicaid insurance in Tennessee.

  • Find and compare doctors in your area using Doctor.com’s easy to use Find a Doctor tool. Read patient reviews. Search by specialty, health insurance and contact information. Book appointments online.

13. Obgyn Doctors Under Tenncare in Knoxville, TN with Reviews

  • Find 6082 listings related to Obgyn Doctors Under Tenncare in Knoxville on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and ...

  • Find 3000 listings related to Obgyn Doctors Under Tenncare in Knoxville on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Obgyn Doctors Under Tenncare locations in Knoxville, TN.

14. OB/GYN Associates Cookeville Location - Diana Health

  • Sep 10, 2024 · We Accept Insurance. We accept most major medical insurance plans, including TennCare. If you have any questions about your coverage, please ...

  • Now Available! Book select telehealth visits online | Call to book an in-person visit: (931) 528-7527 Cookeville, TN ​​Diana Health and OB/GYN Associates of Cookeville are joining forces to provide compassionate, high quality care to women of Cookeville and the

15. Tennessee Valley OBGYN - Huntsville, AL - Obstetrics & Gynecology

  • Missing: tenncare | Show results with:tenncare

  • Discover compassionate and expert care at Tennessee Valley OBGYN in Huntsville. Your health, comfort, and well-being are our top priorities.

Obgyn Near Me That Accepts Tenncare (2025)


How to find a doctor that accepts TennCare? ›

To find out if your doctors or other healthcare providers take TennCare, contact your Managed Care Organization. Or, visit TN Gov Medical Provider Lookup. Your Managed Care Organization is also called your health plan. The name of your health plan can be found on your TennCare Card.

Are BlueCare and TennCare the same? ›

TennCare's health plans are AmeriGroup (part of Anthem), BlueCare and TennCare Select (part of BlueCross and BlueShield of Tennessee), and UnitedHealthcare Community Plan (part of UnitedHealthcare).

What insurance companies provide TennCare? ›

TennCare Contracts
Edison Contract #Contractor Name
29635Volunteer State Health Plan, Inc.
40180Wellpoint Tennessee, Inc.
40181UnitedHealthcare Plan of the River Valley d/b/a UnitedHealthcare Community Plan
40197Volunteer State Health Plan, Inc. d/b/a BlueCare Tennessee
142 more rows

What is covered under TennCare? ›

If your PCP wants you to go to a specialist, he or she will set up the appointment with the specialist for you. Wellness and Preventive Care: TennCare covers most medical services necessary for physical and mental health, including hospital, physician, and pharmacy services.

Is Tennessee Medicaid the same as TennCare? ›

TennCare is the state of Tennessee's Medicaid program. It provides healthcare to mostly low-income pregnant women, parents or caretakers of a minor child, children, and individuals who are elderly or have a disability. To get Medicaid, you must meet the income and resource limits.

What is the income limit to qualify for TennCare? ›

Major Medicaid Eligibility Categories in Tennessee
Household SizeYearly Income LimitMonthly Income Limit

Does TennCare pay for diapers? ›

TennCare and CoverKids members under age two are eligible for the TennCare Diaper Benefit, which provides up to 100 diapers per month from an approved list of brands and types.

Will I lose TennCare when I turn 21? ›

If you continue to live in Tennessee, you will be automatically approved for TennCare until you are 26 years old. TennCare may contact you if they need more information from you.

Do you have to pay back TennCare? ›

TennCare can't seek repayment until after the member's death. It can seek repayment only from the member's estate. This means that surviving family members are not personally responsible for repaying these amounts.

Is there a copay with TennCare? ›

TennCare Medicaid adults have pharmacy co-pays only. You don't pay co-pays for other TennCare services.

How good is TennCare insurance? ›

The care provided by TennCare's MCOs is​ assessed annually by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) as part of the state's accreditation process. On average, TennCare is above the national average on 50% of reported Medicaid HEDIS measures.

Does TennCare cover weight loss pills? ›

a. TennCare provides access to anti-obesity medications for enrollees under the age of 21. The Task Force recognizes and appreciates this treatment option that TennCare makes available to those members.

What does TennCare cover for pregnancy? ›

If you have TennCare Medicaid and you are pregnant you will now keep your health care for 12 months after delivery. You also have dental benefits during this time! To access dental benefits, you must update your TennCare Connect account to tell us that you are pregnant.

At what age does TennCare stop? ›

TennCare is the state of Tennessee's Medicaid program which provides health insurance coverage for people who qualify for the program. Part of the TennCare program is called TennCare Kids which is a full program of check ups and health care services for children from birth to age 21.

How long does TennCare last? ›

TennCare, like all Medicaid agencies, is required to renew every member's coverage once a year.

Does TennCare require a referral to see a specialist? ›

In most cases, you'll need a referral or OK from your PCP to visit a specialist.

Is TennCare and United HealthCare the same thing? ›

Our TennCare Medicaid plan is for pregnant women, children, adults and people who are elderly or have a disability and who meet income requirements. This plan covers well and sick care plus extra support for those who need it.

Is TennCare primary or secondary? ›

Can you be on TennCare and have other insurance? Yes. TennCare will be considered supplementary or secondary insurance.

Is there an app for TennCare? ›

The TennCare Connect app is for Tennesseans who have applied for or are receiving insurance through TennCare, CoverKids, and Medicare Savings Programs. From the convenience of your smartphone, you can access many of the self-service features of TennCare on the web.


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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