Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (2024)

Published: FFXIV - Final Fantasy 14, FFXIV Hunting Logs

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (1)

Post Sections

  • Have You Cleared Rank 1?
  • Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 Targets
    • Bomb
    • Copper Coblyn
    • Cochineal Cactuar
    • Quiveron Guard
    • Giant Tortoise
    • Thickshell
    • Scaphite
    • Tuco-Tuco
    • Myotragus Billy
    • Vandalous Imp
    • Bloated Bogy
    • Rotting Noble
  • Total EXP Available

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Welcome to the next in my series, this time covering the Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 in FFXIV. As you level, make sure to tick these targets off as the Hunting Log is a great source of extra EXP on top of the MSQ. This time around you have a selection of animal, voidsent, undead and your first (not undead) humanoid targets. Some you may simply come across while running the MSQ, others maybe not. In all cases I’ll give you a map to show where to tick off each target. As before, I will not be giving you every possible location, but one where you can clear the entry quickly. Let’s get to it.

Have You Cleared Rank 1?

If you have not cleared Gladiator Rank 1, please go ahead and do that now. You won’t be able to start Rank 2 until that is cleared.

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 Targets

You will need to defeat three of each type to tick it off the list. There are 12 Types as a couple of levels have two different enemy classifications. Here we go!

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Gladiator 11

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (2) 2,300


Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (3)

These floating, explosive...things have some nasty AoEs up their non-existent sleeves. Either run away or interrupt them. You can find Bombs in Western Thanalan near the entrance to Copperbell Mines. That said, the Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (4) MSQ eventually takes you to Copperbell Mines anyway, so you can just clear them out while you queue for the dungeon! Copper Coblyns also wander around here.


Western Thanalan: Horizon's Edge

Nearest Aetheryte

Western Thanalan: Horizon


Around X30.4, Y:19.8

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Copper Coblyn

Number Required: 2

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (6)

Coblyns are a bit freaky, if I'm honest - a giant jaw, with googly eyes and with a body of rocks - oh, and squid-like legs. They're made of different metals as you venture around Eorzea. Copper Coblyns can be found near Copperbell Mines, who would have thought?! Bombs are also floating around just waiting to explode all over you. Thoughtful.These things also eat rocks/minerals, so will occasionally drop ore as loot.


Western Thanalan: Horizon's Edge

Nearest Aetheryte

Western Thanalan: Horizon


Around X:27.5, Y:17.6

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Copper Coblyn

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Gladiator 12

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (8) 3,200

Cochineal Cactuar

Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (9)

A relative of the Cactuar is the Cochineal variety. Naturally I had to see what that word meant! Apparently. you can make a red dye from the Cochineal bugs that feed on CactiGladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (10). Well in the non-game world anyway. Thankfully you can use Red PigmentGladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (11) in FFXIV! Anyway, Cochineal Cactuar can be found South East of Black Brush Station. The marker on the following map matches the earlier screenshot. There, conveniently, are three Cactuar just waiting to have their bugs spilled all over. Enjoy that thought.


Central Thanalan: Black Brush

Nearest Aetheryte

Central Thanalan: Black Brush Station


Around X:24.0, Y:19.5

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Cochineal Cactuar

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Gladiator 13

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (13) 4,000

Quiveron Guard

Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (14)

This is the first time you have had to take down a humanoid enemy. Well, three of them. The Quiveron Guards are a group of Lalafellin criminals thought to be behind certain ore being stolen. As I think that's part of the MSQ that starts in Ul'dah I'll say no more. You can find these in Central Thanalan at the not-at-all-obviously-named Quiveron Manse around X:30.4, Y:21.9. This is South-East of Black Brush Station.

Quiveron Guard at the Quiveron Manse" srcset=" 400w, 500w, 534w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" />


Central Thanalan: Black Brush

Nearest Aetheryte

Central Thanalan: Black Brush Station


Around X:30.4, Y:21.9

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Quiveron Guard

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Gladiator 14

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (17) 4,500

Giant Tortoise

Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (18)

Right, unlike most items on your Hunting Log so far, you won't find a nice neat pack of two or three of these in one place. The Giant Tortoise roams alone, or at least a comfortable distance from another. Usually. You can clear all three Giant Tortoises either in Central or Western Thanalan. In both cases, you need not stray far from Ul'dah. If you choose Central Thanalan, I found two near each other just around the walls of the city, hence writing "2" on a map dot.

Giant Tortoises near the wall of Ul'dah in Central Thanalan" aria-describedby="gallery-6-19600" srcset=" 400w, 500w, 768w, 750w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" />

Note: Pugilists will need four, not three.


Western Thanalan: Steps of Nald

Nearest Aetheryte

Ul'dah Aetheryte Plaza


Around X29, Y24

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Giant Tortoise

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Gladiator 15

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (21) 4,500


Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (22)

I bet you can't guess how strong a shell this blue crab has, can you? Answer: not thick enough to stop you ticking Thickshell from your Gladiator Hunting Log! There are plenty of these on the map. Head West from Horizon, and before you hit the tunnel leading to Vesper bay, turn left/South West. This is in the direction of Crescent Cove. Just an FYI - if you're even vaguely on-level there are also the hyper-aggressive Arbor Buzzards flying around. So you may have to fend off a few of those while you collect your Thickshells. Nothing you can't handle though!

Nearby FATE

Bubble TroubleGladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (23)


Western Thanalan: Horizon's Edge

Nearest Aetheryte

Western Thanalan: Horizon


Around X:15.0, Y:15.0

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Gladiator 16

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (25) 5,300


Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (26)

Scaphites are a relative of the UragniteGladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (27) creatures. They can be found in the water in the Footfalls between Horizon and Vesper Bay. If you're doing the MSQ roughly on-level and you've cleared Rank 1, then the MSQ quest Compulsory CateringGladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (28) will clear the Scaphite part of your Hunting Log. Presuming you run it as a Gladiator of course!


Western Thanalan: The Footfalls

Nearest Aetheryte

Western Thanalan: Horizon


Around X:17, Y14

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Gladiator 17

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (30) 5,500


Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (31)

These little critters seem to be a cross between a giant mole and a porcupine. A molecupine? No, that's why I'm happy FFXIV have been inventive and called them Tuco-Tuco!You can find quite a few of these in the far West of Eastern Thanalan, just before you hit the exit that takes you to Central Thanalan.Note: the Tuco-tuco is difficulty 17 for Gladiator, but 16 for Thaumaturge Rank 2.


Eastern Thanalan: Drybone

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern Thanalan: Camp Drybone


Around X:10.8, Y:18.2

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Gladiator 18

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (33) 5,700

Myotragus Billy

Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (34)

These ginormous goats roam Eastern Thanalan just outside Camp Drybone. While there is the occasional single Myotragus Billy, normally they are found near Mytragus Nannies. Incidentally, if you're also leveling the Leatherworker crafting job, this is probably the best place to farm for Aldgoat Skins. And the mining spot for the Alumen you need to make Aldgoat Leather is also around here.

Involved in FATE


Eastern Thanalan: Drybone

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern Thanalan: Camp Drybone


Around X17.4, Y:21.5

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Myotragus Billy

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Gladiator 19

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (38) 5,900

Vandalous Imp

Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (39)

Now the Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (40) MSQ absolutely brings you here, regardless of which City-State you began your FFXIV adventure. But naturally, those clearing the Gladiator Hunting Logs aren't just those at the lower end of the MSQ. Vandalous Imps can be found on the route to the Invisible City in Eastern Thanalan. Rotting Noble can be found inside the walls of the Invisible City.


Eastern Thanalan: The Invisible City

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern Thanalan: Camp Drybone


Around X:14.4, Y:18.7

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Vandalous Imp

Enemy List ↑

Gladiator 20

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (42) 6,100

Bloated Bogy

Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (43)

When I was growing up "bogy" meant something completely different! Apparently in FFXIV, Bogies are akin to restless spirits. So, while you clear another Hunting Log entry, you're really just ushering them into the next life - killing them is doing them a favour! You'll find your Bloated Bogy in a tunnel full of the things between Vesper Bay and Cape Westwind in Western Thanalan.

Related FATEs


Western Thanalan: North of the Waking Sands

Nearest Aetheryte

Western Thanalan: Horizon


Around X:13.0, Y:11.0

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Bloated Bogy

Rotting Noble

Number Required: 3

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (47)

Once you have dispatched Vandalous Imps, continue North and enter the Invisible City. There are other delightful Rotting Corpses here, but you want the Rotting Noble enemies. These are the Thaumaturge Casters, not Lancers. There are also not many of these around. Other quests (including part of the Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (48) and the ARR Beast Tribe Alliance quests!) bring you here even, if you're not proactively trying to clear your hunting log. So, there's a good chance other players will be here too. Just be considerate of them, and come back later if needs be.


Eastern Thanalan: The Invisible City

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern Thanalan: Camp Drybone


Around X:14, Y:17

More Info

Rotting Noble

Enemy List ↑

Total EXP Available

Here is the “raw” XP you earn for clearing Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2. This excludes EXP gained for defeating each foe and any bonuses relating to that (like food, FC buffs etc).

  • Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (50) 47,500: for all 10 Levels
  • Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (51) 10,000: for clearing Rank 2
  • Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (52) 57,500 Total EXP

TL;DR Clobber More Things and Clear Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2!

And that’s another page of your FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log cleared! Rank 2 presents you with quite a wide variety of targets from more walking cacti to the undead. As with Rank 1, I haven’t provided all locations, but I’ve tried to make it as quick and painless for you. And quick, but painful for your enemies. So, go forth Warrior of Light and slaughter more things in the name of freedom!

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Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 3 →

About the Author

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (53)

Fibro Jedi

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (54)Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (56)

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2 (2024)


How to unlock gladiator class in FFXIV? ›

In order to become a Gladiator, you must complete the Way of the Gladiator, which can be found in Ul'dah. Talk to Lulutsu on the Steps of Thal (X:9, Y:11) to begin the quest and say "Yes" when asked if you want to join the Gladiator's Guild.

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Once a Gladiator reaches level 30, he or she can become a Paladin. In addition, having a level 15 Conjurer is also required to unlock the Paladin Job.

How to unlock halatali? ›

After reaching level 20, speak with Nedrick Ironheart in Western Thanalan at X12-Y14. He will tell you about Halatali. Head to Eastern Thanalan and speak with Fafajoni at X14-Y30 to complete the quest. This unlocks Halatali in the duty finder.

How do you unlock hunt boards? ›

To be able to access the Hunt Board in The Crystarium and Eulmore, players need to complete the following quests:
  1. One-nut Clan Marks. Nuts to You. Disciple of War or Magic level 70. ...
  2. Two-nut Clan Marks. Two Nuts Too Nutty. Disciple of War or Magic level 73. ...
  3. Three-nut Clan Marks. How Do You Like Three Nuts.

How do I participate in Grand Company hunts? ›

After reaching the ranking of Second Lieutenant, you can finally start taking on Hunts by starting the mission "Let the Hunt Begin." You will no longer have to level up your Grand Company Rank to participate in the expansion Hunts from that point onward.

Where do you find logs in Ffxiv? ›

Gathering. Ash Logs can be gathered by botanists through logging. It is harvested from a level 10 node in Treespeak in North Shroud and in Greentear in Central Shroud.

What are hunting logs? ›

The hunting log indicates the monsters, locations, difficulties and experience rewards of the tasks. It also keeps track of the tasks you've completed. Players can unlock new ranks by completing all the tasks in the previous rank.

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Like most jobs in Final Fantasy 14, the Paladin job requires you to level a prerequisite class up to Level 30 before you can take on the role. In this case, you will have to unlock the Gladiator class and reach Level 30 before switching over to Paladin.

What happens if a gladiator won? ›

Gladiators customarily kept their prize money and any gifts they received, and these could be substantial. Tiberius offered several retired gladiators 100,000 sesterces each to return to the arena. Nero gave the gladiator Spiculus property and residence "equal to those of men who had celebrated triumphs."

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There were only two ways that a gladiatorial battle could be ended—either one gladiator won or it was a draw—but it was the editor who had the final say on whether the loser died on the field or went on to fight another day. The editor had three established ways to make his decision.

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Players can unlock the ARR Sightseeing Log by completing the Lv. 20 quest “A Sight to Behold”, from Naoh Gamduhla in New Gridania. The MSQ “Sylph-management” must also be completed to accept the quest. After completing the first 20 Vistas you can speak to Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania to unlock the remaining logs.

How to start hunts in ff14? ›

After reaching the ranking of Second Lieutenant, you can finally start taking on Hunts by starting the mission "Let the Hunt Begin." You will no longer have to level up your Grand Company Rank to participate in the expansion Hunts from that point onward.


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